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Focus Session (virtual)

Eurosystem Collateral Management System

When, Where

24 January 2024, 09:00-11:30
Virtual Event


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The Governing Council of the ECB decided to reschedule the launch of the Eurosystem Collateral Management System (ECMS) to November 2024. Learn more about the decision taken and the reasons behind it. 

  • George Kalogeropoulos, ECB


Planning and updated project plan

The project plan for ECMS has been adjusted for the new go-live date. What does the new launch date mean for the project in terms of the planning and what should be the focus right now? 

  • Flora Laszlo, ECB

User testing

The different ECMS functionality are currently being testing by the users. What should users focus on during this period? Gain insights on what the important aspects are in this phase. 

  • Bobby Bashford, ECB
  • Bamini Raghavan, ECB

Preparing for migration

All actors who will participate in ECMS will take part in migration rehearsals before the go-live in November 2024. How does the planning look for these and other migration preparation activities? Find out more on the key aspects and milestones related to migration. 

  • Bobby Bashford, ECB
  • Ana Isa Martins, ECB

Closing remarks

  • George Kalogeropoulos, ECB

End of event

This programme may be subject to change without notice.

Audiovisual notice: The entire Focus Session will be live streamed, recorded and published on the ECB’s website shortly after the event, together with the slides presented.

To register for the event, please send an email to

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