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Banking Industry Dialogue (BID)

The ECB’s Banking Industry Dialogue (BID) is a forum for interaction at the highest level between the ECB and banks active in the euro area from a wide range of countries.

Its key objective is to complement the ECB’s regular monitoring of economic and financial developments with targeted feedback from senior banking industry experts on conjunctural and structural, financial and real economy issues, with a focus on topics relevant for to financial stability and macroprudential policy-making.

Charter of the Banking Industry Dialogue


President of the ECB

Members and composition

The BID consists of the ECB Governing Council members and the invited chief executive officers of banks active in the euro area. Participation is on a rotational basis to allow for broad involvement.

19 June 2024
5 July 2023
18 May 2022
30 June 2021
10 July 2019
7 November 2018
8 November 2017
5 July 2017
2 November 2016
6 April 2016

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Tasks of the ECB

Financial stability

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