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Draft ESCB-CESR recommendations for securities clearing and settlement systems and central counterparties in the EU

Published: 23 October 2008 Deadline: 23 January 2009

This jointly published consultation consisted of two parts. Part 1 contained 19 recommendations, which deal with central securities depositaries (CSDs). Part 2 contained 15 recommendations regarding central counterparties (CCPs), which aim to increase the safety, soundness and efficiency of securities clearing and settlement systems and CCPs, respectively. The annexes included an assessment methodology and a glossary of terms.

The ESCB and the CESR jointly organised an open hearing pertaining to these recommendations on 9 December 2008 in the CESR office in Paris.

For full details, please see the press release below.

Consultation paper
Press release


The responses received are published here unless the author does not consent to such publication and has explicitly said so.

Zip file (of 5 February) with all responses

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