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Public consultation

Public consultation on the provision of ABS loan-level information in the Eurosystem collateral framework

ABSs account for an important part of the collateral that counterparties post in Eurosystem credit operations. The Eurosystem expects that this asset class, among the wide range of collateral assets that the Eurosystem currently accepts in its collateral framework, will continue to be significant in the future for Eurosystem counterparties. This loan-level information would increase transparency and would thus make an important contribution to making more informed risk assessments of ABSs and restoring the weakened confidence in the securitisation markets.

All market participants (e.g. originators, issuers, ABS servicers, rating agencies, market data providers, etc.) are invited to express their views on the ideas and questions presented in the public consultation document, available on the ECB’s website.

The consultation is based on the following documents:

Public consultation on the provision of ABS loan-level information in the Eurosystem collateral framework
RMBS loan-level reporting template - ECB consultation on loan-by-loan information for ABSs

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