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European Union balance of payments/international investment position statistical methods

1 December 1999

An updated version of the book on "European Union balance of payments/international investment position statistical methods" ("B.o.p. book") is released today. The first version of the book was published by the European Monetary Institute (forerunner to the ECB) on 30 January 1998. The book contains individual country descriptions of collection systems and information relating to the methodologies used in the EU Member States. They generally comply with the international standards set out in the IMF Balance of Payments Manual (5th edition), and with harmonisation proposals developed to meet statistical requirements for Stage Three of Economic and Monetary Union. The book is primarily intended for use by central banks, statistical institutes and international organisations. It will be kept up-to-date.

The B.o.p. book is available on the ECB's web site (pdf 3 MB). Copies of the B.o.p. book are available from the ECB, at the following address:


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