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Publication on the colloquium held in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa on 27 April 2005

27 December 2005

The European Central Bank (ECB) is today publishing a collection of contributions made on the occasion of the ECB colloquium “The Eurosystem, the Union and Beyond – The single currency and implications for governance”, which was held in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, former member of the Executive Board of the ECB, on 27 April 2005. The book includes all speeches and statements made during the event.

The welcome address by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB, is followed by material relating to the first session, which was entitled “A single currency and a team of 13 central banks”. This features statements by Alexandre Lamfalussy, Roger W. Ferguson Jr., Charles Goodhart and Hans Tietmeyer, as well as an introduction by Willem F. Duisenberg, former President of the ECB.

The second section, which relates to the panel discussion – introduced and chaired by Giuliano Amato – entitled “A single currency and a Union of 25 Member States”, includes statements by Vítor Gaspar, Daniel Gros, Karl Lamers and Mario Monti.

The third part concerns the session “The single currency and the world” – which was introduced and chaired by Jean-Claude Trichet – and brings together the contributions of C. Fred Bergsten, Toyoo Gyohten, Fabrizio Saccomanni and Martin Wolf.

The book also includes summaries of the discussions that followed each session, concluding remarks by Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa and the closing remarks of Lucas D. Papademos, Vice-President of the ECB.

A pdf version of the book is available on the ECB’s website at www.ecb.europa.eu. Paper copies can be obtained free of charge by writing to:


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