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Launch of the ECB Statistical Data Warehouse on the internet

21 September 2006

Today, the European Central Bank (ECB) is launching its Statistical Data Warehouse on the internet.

The Statistical Data Warehouse is the ECB’s new online data delivery service for statistics. It is intended for a wide range of users of euro area statistics, ranging from one-time visitors searching for a specific most recent statistic or a single data series to more frequent users such as market participants, journalists, analysts and researchers. It features robust and simple-to-use interfaces that allow users to quickly find, display, chart and download euro area data, including in some cases national breakdowns.

Several access methods tailored to different user needs are provided. These include simple interactive graphs on the homepage, a powerful search engine, hierarchical navigation and a real-time update of tables in the ECB’s statistical publications (the “Euro area statistics” section of the Monthly Bulletin and the Statistics Pocketbook). Data baskets give users the possibility to customise their access to the statistics. The data and their descriptions are presented in a harmonised and integrated way, thus ensuring a better understanding and accessibility of ECB statistics. Standard transformations allow for basic analysis of the data. Data can be easily downloaded into common software packages and in XML and text formats.

The ECB Statistical Data Warehouse is available at http://sdw.ecb.europa.eu. More detailed information on its functionalities is available in the Help section of this tool.


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