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Publication of the Euro Money Market Survey 2007

19 November 2007

Today the ECB publishes a report entitled “Euro Money Market Survey 2007”. Since 1999, market experts from the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national central banks of the European Union conduct an annual survey of developments in euro area money markets. This survey is part of the regular monitoring activities by the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), i.e. the ECB and the European Union national central banks.

Although the survey is carried out every year, the ECB only publishes a complete report every two years. The last complete report relating to the annual survey, entitled “Euro Money Market Study 2006”, was published on 13 February 2007. Today’s report consists of a set of charts presenting the data from the 2007 survey with no explanatory text. The full dataset is made available in the ECB’s Statistical Data Warehouse, which can be accessed at http://sdw.ecb.europa.eu, while the CSV file shown above right contains a summarised version of the aggregate data in line with what has been provided previously. The next complete report will be published in 2008.


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