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  • 13 May 2020

Euro area securities issues statistics: March 2020

Debt securities

New issuance of debt securities by euro area residents totalled EUR 637.1 billion in March 2020. Redemptions amounted to EUR 614.0 billion and net issues to EUR 23.1 billion. The annual growth rate of outstanding debt securities issued by euro area residents decreased from 3.2% in February 2020 to 2.8% in March.

Data for debt securities
Chart 1

Debt securities issued by euro area residents

(annual growth rates)

Breakdown by maturity

The annual growth rate of outstanding short-term debt securities decreased from 8.3% in February 2020 to 3.5% in March. For long-term debt securities, the annual growth rate was 2.7% in March 2020, compared with 2.8% in February. The annual growth rate of outstanding fixed rate long-term debt securities was 3.3% in March 2020, the same as in February. The annual rate of change of outstanding variable rate long-term debt securities was -2.5% in March 2020, compared with -2.4% in February.

Data for breakdown by maturity

Breakdown by sector

As regards the sectoral breakdown, the annual growth rate of outstanding debt securities issued by non-financial corporations decreased from 6.0% in February 2020 to 4.4% in March. For the monetary financial institutions (MFIs) sector, this growth rate decreased from 3.6% in February 2020 to 1.7% in March. The annual growth rate of outstanding debt securities issued by financial corporations other than MFIs decreased from 5.3% in February 2020 to 4.8% in March. For the general government, this growth rate increased from 1.6% in February 2020 to 2.3% in March.

The annual rate of change of outstanding short-term debt securities issued by MFIs decreased from 10.2% in February 2020 to -3.3% in March. The annual growth rate of outstanding long-term debt securities issued by MFIs was 2.5% in March 2020, compared with 2.7% in February.

Data for breakdown by sector

Breakdown by currency

Concerning the currency breakdown, the annual growth rate of outstanding euro-denominated debt securities was 3.1% in March 2020, the same as in February. For debt securities in other currencies, this growth rate decreased from 3.5% in February 2020 to 1.2% in March.

Data for breakdown by currency

Listed shares

New issuance of listed shares by euro area residents totalled EUR 1.5 billion in March 2020. Redemptions amounted to EUR 3.8 billion and net redemptions to EUR 2.3 billion. The annual growth rate of the outstanding amount of listed shares issued by euro area residents (excluding valuation changes) was 0.0% in March 2020, the same as in February. The annual growth rate of listed shares issued by non-financial corporations was 0.0% in March 2020, the same as in February. For MFIs, the corresponding growth rate decreased from 0.5% in February 2020 to 0.1% in March. For financial corporations other than MFIs, this rate of change was -0.1% in March 2020, the same as in February.

Chart 2

Listed shares issued by euro area residents

(annual growth rates)

The market value of the outstanding amount of listed shares issued by euro area residents totalled EUR 6,451.8 billion at the end of March 2020. Compared with EUR 7,767.3 billion at the end of March 2019, this represents an annual decrease of -16.9% in the value of the stock of listed shares in March 2020, down from 0.5% in February.

Data for listed shares


For media queries, please contact Philippe Rispal, tel.: +49 69 1344 5057.


  • Unless otherwise indicated, data relate to non-seasonally adjusted statistics. In addition to the developments for March 2020, this press release incorporates minor revisions to the data for previous periods. The annual growth rates are based on financial transactions that occur when an institutional unit incurs or redeems liabilities, they are not affected by the impact of any other changes which do not arise from transactions.
  • Hyperlinks in the main body of the press release and in annex tables lead to data that may change with subsequent releases as a result of revisions. Figures shown in annex tables are a snapshot of the data as at the time of the current release.
  • The next press release on euro area securities issues will be published on 12 June 2020.

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