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€2 commemorative coins - 2022

The descriptions on this page are based on the information in the Official Journal of the European Union and may therefore deviate slightly from other material published on this website.


Feature: The legend of Charlemagne

Description: Legend has it that Emperor Charlemagne was the founder of Andorra in the year 805 and that he granted its inhabitants their own legal status. The design of the coin represents this legend deeply rooted in the history and culture of Andorra and shows, in its background, a landscape with mountains and a river, representing the rich scenery of our country, with the name of the issuing country ‘ANDORRA’. The foreground of the design depicts a partial reproduction of the well-known portrait of Emperor Charlemagne by the artist Albrecht Dürer and the year of issue ‘2022’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 70 000 coins

Issuing date: Fourth quarter 2022


Feature: 10 years of the entry into force of the Monetary Agreement between Andorra and the European Union

Description: The different shapes and sizes of the puzzle pieces depicted in the lower part of the design symbolize the Principality of Andorra and the countries belonging to the European Union. In the upper part of the design, the stars encircling the symbol of the common European currency represent that they are all part of the euro universe. Next to them, the name of the issuing country ‘ANDORRA’ and the years of the commemoration ‘2012’ and ‘2022’ are featured. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 70 000 coins

Issuing date: Fourth quarter 2022


Feature: Lithuanian Ethnographic Regions - Suvalkija

Description: The design depicts a Taurus on the escutcheon, while the escutcheon is decorated on both sides with silver oak branches with acorns. The branches are joined at the bottom with a silver ribbon bearing the inscription ‘VIENYBĖ TEŽYDI’ (UNITY MAY BLOSSOM). Oak branches symbolize the rich history of the region that goes back to the pagan times of the Lithuanian state. In the past, Taurus was the most widespread animal in this region. The composition is surrounded by the inscription ‘LIETUVA’ (LITHUANIA) and the year of issuance ‘2022’ on the top, and the inscription ‘SUVALKIJA’ and the mintmark of the Lithuanian Mint at the bottom. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 500 000 coins

Issuing date: Fourth quarter 2022


Feature: Ukraine and Freedom

Description: The design depicts the silhouette of a woman holding a bird in her hand, with an ear of wheat. At the top left is the text ‘SLAVA UKRAINI’. At the bottom left are the name of the issuing country ‘EESTI’ and the year of issuance ‘2022’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 2 000 000 coins

Issuing date: Fourth quarter 2022


Feature: Climate research in Finland

Description: The theme of the coin is a stylized beard lichen, with its root like structure embossed in the centre of the inner part of the coin. The outer sides of the inner part of the coin bear the lettering ‘CLIMATE RESEARCH’ in Finnish on the left-hand side and ‘CLIMATE RESEARCH’ in Swedish on the right-hand side. The bottom of the inner part of the coin bears the lettering ‘2022 FI’. The top of the inner part of the coin bears the mintmark of the Mint of Finland. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 400 000 coins

Issuing date: Autumn 2022


Feature: The 22nd anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security

Description: The design shows three female faces. From the top left to the bottom left are the inscriptions

‘WOMEN’, ‘PEACE’, ‘SECURITY’, the year of issuance ‘2022’ and the name of the issuing country ‘MALTA’. At the centre, underneath the faces, are the inscriptions ‘UNSCR’ and ‘1325’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 65 500 coins

Issuing date: October 2022

San Marino

Feature: 530th anniversary of the disappearance of Piero della Francesca

Description: In the centre is the profile of Federico da Montefeltro, detail of the painting ‘Diptych of the Dukes of Urbino’ by Piero della Francesca, kept in the Galleries of the Uffizi (Florence). At the left side in semi-circle is the inscription ‘SAN MARINO’. At the right side in semi-circle is the inscription ‘PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA’, the years 1492 e 2022, the letter R, identifying the Mint of Rome and the initials of author Claudia Momoni, ‘C.M.’ The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 55 000 coins

Issuing date: October 2022

San Marino

Feature: Bicentenary of the death of Antonio Canova

Description: The goddess Hebe is depicted in the centre of the inner ring, taken from the work of Antonio Canova, conserved at the Art gallery of the Civic Museum of San Domenico in Forlì. Around are the inscriptions ‘CANOVA’ and ‘SAN MARINO’. At the left is the year ‘1822’ and the initials of the author Antonio Vecchio, and at the right the year of issuance ‘2022’ and the letter R, identifying the Mint of Rome. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 55 000 coins

Issuing date: October 2022


Feature: The 300th anniversary of the construction of continental Europe’s first atmospheric steam engine for draining mines

Description: The design depicts an atmospheric steam engine for draining water from mines, the one constructed in the mining town of Nová Baňa in 1722 as the first of its kind in continental Europe. It was designed and built by English engineer Isaac Potter, whose facsimile signature is inscribed sideways, on two lines, in the lower left part of the design. On the right side of the engine, again written sideways, are the name of the issuing country ‘SLOVENSKO’ and, to its right, the years ‘1722’ and ‘2022’ separated by a medial dot. Next to the left edge of the coin’s inner section, positioned one above the other, are the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the letters ‘MK’ placed between two dies, and the stylised initials of the national side designer, Peter Valach. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 1 000 000 coins

Issuing date: October 2022


Feature: 100th anniversary of the death of Prince Albert I

Description: The design shows the portrait of Prince Albert I. At the left is the name of the issuing country ‘MONACO’ and at the right is the year of issuance ‘2022’. At the bottom is the inscription ALBERT Ier” followed by the years ‘1848-1922’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 15 000 coins

Issuing date: September 2022


Feature: Olympic Games 2024

Description: One hundred years after the 1924 Olympic Games, France is once again hosting the Summer Games, which will take place in Paris in 2024, an event with international echo whose intensity gradually builds in the years leading up to the event. On the occasion of the countdown to the Olympic Games, Monnaie de Paris wishes to celebrate the road to the Games. It therefore plans to issue each year 2022, 2023 and 2024 a commemorative two-euro coin with an original face celebrating the Games, through the heritage of France and Paris. The design represents the genius, a national figure and icon of French numismatics. It is depicted practicing discus throwing in an ‘ancient’ way in reference to the Olympic Games of the Antique era. His silhouette blends with the one of the Arc de Triomphe, a key element of Parisian heritage. It forms a common axis with this emblematic monument of victory. In the background, an athletics track in which the emblem of Paris 2024 is inserted on the right side, is represented. The year date, the mention RF and the mintmarks are inserted under the arch and around the foot of the Arc. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 260 000 coins

Issuing date: September 2022


Feature: The 25th anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Description: The design features a portrait of Mother Teresa with a child. At the top, in semi-circle, is the inscription ‘MADRE TERESA DI CALCUTTA’ and at the bottom is the name of the issuing country ‘CITTÀ DEL VATICANO’. At the right of the portrait is the mintmark ‘R’ and underneath it are the years ‘1997’ and ‘2022’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 84 000 coins

Issuing date: September 2022


Feature: 200 years from the first Greek Constitution

Description: The design features the temple of Asclepius at Epidaurus with the statue of the god at centre. The theme replicates the reverse of a commemorative medal on the First National Assembly held by the revolted Greeks at Epidaurus, which was awarded to the Assembly members during the reign of king Otho. Inscribed along the inner edge is the wording ‘HELLENIC REPUBLIC’ and ‘THE FIRST GREEK CONSTITUTION’, as well as the years ‘1822’ and ‘2022’, a palmette (the mintmark of the Greek mint) and the monogram of the artist (George Stamatopoulos). The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 750 000 coins

Issuing date: July 2022

Euro area countries

Feature: 35 years of the Erasmus programme

Description: The design is a mix of two major elements of the Erasmus programme: the original intellectual inspiration, Erasmus himself, and the allegory of its influence over Europe. The first one is symbolised by one of the most known depiction of Erasmus. The second one is symbolised by a beam of links going across the coin from a beacon to another, representing the numerous intellectual and human exchanges between the European students. As a reference to Europe, some of these links form other stars, born from the synergy between the countries. The figure 35, for 35th anniversary comes out from the stars in a contemporary graphical style. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: varies from country to country

Issuing date: 1 July 2022


Feature: 100 years of basketball in Lithuania

Description: The design shows the contour of the map of Lithuania arranged as a basketball court in the centre, which signifies that basketball has been played in Lithuania already for 100 years. The coin also features the inscriptions ‘LIETUVA’ (Lithuania), ‘1922-2022’ and the logo of the Lithuanian mint, its manufacturer, arranged in a semi-circle around the centre. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 750 000 coins

Issuing date: Second quarter 2022


Feature: 100 years of Finland's National Ballet

Description: The design depicts the powerful and free movements of a dancer covered in a light flowing textile that accentuates the beauty and fluidity of the dancer's pose. It also bears the year of issuance ‘2022’ and at the top the indication of the issuing country ‘FI’ and the mintmark. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 400 000 coins

Issuing date: Spring 2022


Feature: The healthcare sector in recognition of the exceptional commitment during the Covid-19 pandemic

Description: The design depicts in the inner part of the coin the health personnel. At the left you can find the inscription ‘Danke – Merci – Dank u’ together with various pictograms referring to healthcare sector. From top to bottom, a cross, a stethoscope, a heart, a syringe, a wheelchair and a chemical mixture are shown. At the far right are the initials of the designer Luc Luycx located. As the Royal Dutch Mint will strike the coins, the mintmark of Utrecht, a mercury staff is located on the bottom together with the Belgian mint master mark, the coat of arms of the municipality Herzele, the country code BE and the year mark 2022. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 2 000 000 coins

Issuing date: Spring 2022


Feature: UNESCO: Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum

Description: The design shows a detail of the prehistoric site. At the top left is the name of the issuing country ‘MALTA’ and underneath the year of issuance ‘2022’. At the bottom is the inscription ‘ĦAL – SAFLIENI HYPOGEUM’ and underneath the inscription ‘4 000 – 2 500 BC’. At the bottom right are the initials of the creator of the design Noel Galea Bason ‘NGB’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 192 000 coins

Issuing date: May 2022


Feature: The centenary of Latvijas Banka – financial literacy

Description: Financial literacy is the important ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. Financial literacy is the foundation of our relationship with money, and it is a lifelong journey of learning. The design shows a tree, symbolizing the importance of financial literacy and the knowledge about it. At the bottom is the year of issuance ‘2022’ and underneath the name of the issuing country ‘LATVIJA’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 415 000 coins

Issuing date: April-May 2022


Feature: The 10th anniversary of the marriage of the Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and the Hereditary Grand Duchesse Stéphanie

Description: The design depicts the effigies of the Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and the Hereditary Grand Duchesse Stéphanie. Close to the effigies, the respective names are depicted in semi-circular form. Two wedding rings appear at the left of the year-date 2022. At the bottom of the design, the word ‘LËTZEBUERG’ designating the issuing country is depicted, as well as the wedding date ‘20.Oktober 2012’. The monogram (letter ‘H’ with a crown) is a representation of the Grand Duke Henri. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 500 000 coins

Issuing date: April 2022


Feature: The 150th anniversary of the founding of the Society of Estonian Literati

Description: The design depicts the pages of a book and the tip of a quill pen. At the top, in semi-circle are the inscription ‘EESTI KIRJAMEESTE SELTS’ and the year of issuance ‘2022’. The inscription on the pages of the book reads ‘KUI ME EI SAA SUUREKS RAHVAARVULT, PEAME SAAMA SUUREKS VAIMULT’, meaning ‘If we cannot be a great nation in number, we must be great in spirit’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 1 000 000 coins

Issuing date: First quarter 2022


Feature: The 5th centennary of the first circumnavigation of the Earth

Description: The expedition began in Seville in 1519 and ended in 1522 after finishing the first circumnavigation of the Earth. The design depicts two images, one is the globe in the background and the other one is a portrait of Juan Sebastián Elcano. At the bottom of the portrait and in capital letters the legends ‘JUAN SEBASTIÁN ELCANO’ and ‘PRIMUS CIRCUMDEDISTI ME’ (First to circumnavigate me), and on the portrait shoulder is the initial and the end date of the circumnavigation (1519-1522). On the right hand side and in capital letters are the issuing country ‘ESPAÑA’ and the year of minting ‘2022’. On the left hand side is the mint mark. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 1 000 000 coins

Issuing date: First quarter 2022


Feature: UNESCO: Garajonay National Park

Description: The Garajonay National Park is situated in the middle of the island of La the Canary Islands archipelago, was registered on the World Heritage Sites list for being an outstanding well-preserved example of laurisilva (Laurel forest), an exceptional ecosystem of the living remnant of the old rainforests and warm temperate forests that occupied much of Europe and North Africa during the Tertiary. The coin depicts a view of the ‘Roque de Agando’ and a detail of the ‘Laurisilva forest’. On the upper right hand and in capital letters are the word ‘ESPAÑA’ and the year of minting ‘2022’. At the top on the right hand side is the mint mark. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 1 000 000 coins

Issuing date: First quarter 2022


Feature: The 100th anniversary of the crossing the South Atlantic Ocean by air, achieved in 1922 by Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral

Description: This crossing was achieved by using only internal means of navigation: a modified sextant and a course corrector. The design shows the representation of one of the three Fairey III biplanes that were used to accomplish the flight between Lisboa and Rio de Janeiro. The edge inscription reads ‘TRAVESSIA DO ATLÂNTICO SUL’ (English – CROSSING OF THE SOUTH ATLANTIC). Below the plane, the inscription ‘PORTUGAL 1922-2022’. The Mintmark will be ‘CASA DA MOEDA’, the Portuguese name of the Mint. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 1 000 000 coins

Issuing date: March 2022


Feature: The 125th anniversary of the birth of Pope Paul VI

Description: The design features a portrait of the Pope. At the top left, in semi-circle, is the inscription ‘CITTÀ DEL VATICANO’ and at the top right is the inscription ‘PAPA PAOLO VI’. At the left of the portrait are the years ‘1897’ and ‘2022’ and underneath them is the mintmark ‘R’. At the bottom left is the name of the artist ‘D. LONGO’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 84 000 coins

Issuing date: March 2022


Feature: The 90th anniversary of President Jacques Chirac’s birth

Description: President of the French Republic for two terms, Jacques Chirac was a major architect of the European construction. As such, he was President when the Euro was introduced in 2002, whose 20th anniversary we celebrate at the beginning of this year. The design shows a solemn profile of President Jacques Chirac looking towards the future. He is surrounded by several symbols representing his actions: a euro symbol, as sign of his involvement in the introduction of the Euro and his European spirit, and a French flag represented in heraldic colours, itself embellished with the RF as a reference to his presidency. His dates and name are inserted in the Euro’s logo. The mintmarks as well as the year date fit into the design. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 9 000 000 coins

Issuing date: January 2022


Feature: The 30th Anniversary of the death of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino

Description: : The design depicts in the centre the portraits of the two Italian judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, inspired by a picture of Tony Gentile. Above, the arc-shaped inscription ‘FALCONE – BORSELLINO’, underneath the dates ‘1992 2022’, with the acronym of the Italian Republic ‘RI’ in between; on the right, ‘R’, identifying the Mint of Rome; on the left, ‘VdS’, initials of the designer Valerio de Seta. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 3 000 000 coins

Issuing date: January 2022


Feature: 170th Anniversary of the foundation of the Italian National Police

Description: : The design depicts two officers of the ‘Polizia di Stato’ (Italian National Police Force), a woman and a man, standing out in the foreground, in front of a police car. Above, the arc-shaped inscription ‘POLIZIA DI STATO’; at the right ‘RI’, acronym of the Italian Republic; the inscription ‘R’, identifying the Mint of Rome, the initials ‘AM’ of the designer Annalisa Masini and the dates ‘1852 - 2022’, appear at the left, in the centre and at the right, respectively. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 3 000 000 coins

Issuing date: January 2022


Feature: Bundeslander series – Thuringia

Description: : The design shows Wartburg Castle, the first German castle to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The inner part also features the name ‘THÜRINGEN’ and the issuing country’s country code ‘D’ at the bottom, the mint mark of the respective mint (‘A’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘J’) as well as the engraver’s mark on the right and the the year ‘2022’ on the left. The artist: Olaf Stoy (Rabenau). The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 30 000 000 coins

Issuing date: 25 January 2022


Feature: The 50th Anniversary of the legal protection of the Luxembourg flag

Description: : The design depicts at the left hand the effigy of the Grand Duke Henri and at the right hand the Luxembourg tricolor flag. The year ‘1972’ appears above the flag and the issuing year ‘2022’ is depicted below. At the bottom centre the name of the issuing country ‘LËTZEBUERG’ is represented. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 500 000 coins

Issuing date: January 2022


Feature: The 150th anniversary of the birth of architect Jože Plečnik

Description: The design shows a detail of the grand window of the National and University library’s reading room with a pillar in front of it. It is supplemented with a composition of letters A R H. P L E Č N I K. These letters are built into the window in exact order and can be metaphorically read as the architect’s signature, which is actually exhibited in his own work. The letters are inserted into deepened window openings and can be understood (in the language of architect Plečnik) as spatial architectural interventions, as emphases, inserted into façade or as geometrically designed objects. The whole composition displays an idea of space that reflects the wealth of the architect’s ideas. It is centred around the main pillar, which has a role to mark the coin’s space and set the ratio outside – inside or front – back, one of Plečnik’s common gestures when designing space. With that, the composition becomes a spatial miniature, space within space, multi-layered and mystical. At the bottom, the inscription “JOŽE PLEČNIK«. At the left, vertically, the year ‘1872’. At the right, vertically, the country of issuance ‘SLOVENIJA’ and underneath the year of issuance ‘2022’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Issuing volume: 1 000 000 coins

Issuing date: January 2022

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