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Advisory groups on market infrastructures

Two advisory groups on market infrastructures have been set up to counsel the Eurosystem on issues related to (i) payments (AMI-Pay) and (ii) securities and collateral (AMI-SeCo). Both groups are composed of market participants and are chaired by the ECB.


The Advisory Group on Market Infrastructures for Payments (AMI-Pay) is a forum for the exchange of views on developments in payments. The group assists the Eurosystem in fostering payment innovation and integration across Europe, and offers advice on the provision and modification of Eurosystem payment-related services. It is composed of representatives of banks active in the European Union and of national central banks.

Documents produced by AMI-Pay


The Advisory Group on Market Infrastructures for Securities and Collateral (AMI-SeCo) facilitates an active dialogue with market participants on issues related to the clearing and settlement of securities and to collateral management. It took over the responsibilities of the T2S Advisory Group and the Contact Group on Euro Securities Infrastructures (COGESI). AMI-SeCo brings together representatives of banks active in the European Union in their role as T2S users, central securities depositories (CSDs), central counterparties (CCPs) and national central banks.

Documents produced by AMI-SeCo

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Funkcionális sütiket használunk a felhasználói preferenciák tárolására, analitikai sütiket a honlap teljesítményének javítására, valamint alkalmazunk még külső szolgáltatók által a honlapba integrált sütiket.

Felhasználóink döntenek, hogy elfogadják vagy elutasítják őket. Bővebb tájékoztatásért, a sütikkel kapcsolatos preferenciák és szervernaplók áttekintéséért látogasson el az alábbi oldalakra:

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