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Manual on MFI interest rate statistics

23 December 2003

Following the inaugural release of the euro area MFI interest rate statistics on 10 December 2003, the European Central Bank (ECB) has today published a Manual on MFI interest rate statistics, which supplements Regulation ECB/2001/18 concerning statistics on interest rates applied by monetary financial institutions to deposits and loans vis-à-vis households and non-financial corporations.

The main purpose of the Manual is to further clarify and illustrate the statistical requirements laid down in the Regulation, mainly through the use of extended definitions as well as explanations of the underlying concepts and examples. It also brings together detailed transcriptions from other legal acts referred to in the Regulation. The Manual has no legally binding status. It is primarily aimed at the compilers of these statistics but may also be of interest to reporting agents and users.

This publication is available on the ECB's website (http://www.ecb.europa.eu). Hard copies are available on written request from the ECB.


Den Europæiske Centralbank

Generaldirektoratet Kommunikation

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