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Annual hard copy publication of the "List of monetary financial institutions and institutions subject to minimum reserves" and the "List of monetary financial institutions in the accession countries" as at end-December 2004

28 February 2005

The European Central Bank (ECB) is today publishing hard copies of the updated “List of monetary financial institutions and institutions subject to minimum reserves” (“List of MFIs”) and of the updated “List of monetary financial institutions in the accession countries” (“List of AC MFIs”). Both lists concern the monetary financial institutions sectors as at the end of December 2004.

The List of MFIs enables the compilation of a comprehensive and consistent balance sheet for the money-creating sector in the euro area and ensures that the information on the statistical reporting population is as complete, accurate and homogeneous as possible. The list of institutions subject to minimum reserves is based on Article 19.1 of the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank, which empowers the ECB to require credit institutions established in the euro area to hold minimum reserves in pursuance of monetary policy objectives. Monthly updates and the full up-to-date list are made available on the ECB’s website on the last business day of each calendar month.

The List of AC MFIs encompasses the MFIs in the two accession countries that are preparing for membership of the European Union (Bulgaria and Romania). The accurate recording of the MFI population in these countries is an important step in the process of compiling monetary aggregates according to the euro area definitions.

Both publications can be downloaded from the "Statistics" section of the ECB’s website, under "Money, banking and financial statistics"/"Monetary Financial Institutions". A hard copy of the latest versions can be obtained by writing to the ECB’s Press and Information Division or to any of the EU or accession country central banks.


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