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ESCB Challenges for Monetary Policy Transmission in a Changing World (ChAMP) Research Network

2nd Workshop of Workstream 2: Transmission through the real economy

Oesterreichiche Nationalbank

Wien, 2 February 2024

The Oesterreischische Nationalbank is hosting the second Workshop of the ChaMP ESCB research network, focusing on the topics covered by the 2nd workstream of that network on 2 February 2024. This will give us the opportunity to meet again and discuss some of the ongoing projects.


* indicates the presenter





Anna Stelzer and Philipp Hartmann


Session 1: Implications for Monetary Policy from structural change

Chair: Philipp Hartmann, ECB


Global supply chain pressures, inflation, and implications for monetary policy

Guido Ascari*, Dennis Bonam and Andra Smadu, all De Nederlandsche Bank


Climate-conscious monetary policy 

Anton Nakov*, ECB, and Carlos Thomas, Banco de España


Coffee break


Session 2: Effects of Monetary Policy on the real economy 

Chair: Gonzalo Paz-Pardo, ECB


How do Monetary Policy, Monetary Policy Shocks and Financial Frictions disturb Total Factor Productivity? 

Norbert Ernst, Karin Klieber, Michael Sigmund* and Maria Valderrama, all Oesterreichische Nationalbank


Monetary Policy and Market Competition: Is Europe Different? 

Alexander Popov*, ECB, and Lea Steininger, HU Berlin & WU Vienna & Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies


Lunch and poster session 


Poster presentations

Do Recessions Slow Technology Growth? Evidence from the Firm Level
  • Michaela Elfsbacka Schmöller, Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank
  • Olga Goldfayn-Frank, Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Tobias Schmidt, Deutsche Bundesbank
The Green Transition and Firms’ Expectations on Future Prices: Survey Evidence 

Cristina Angelico, Banca d’Italia

Exports, Imports and Productivity: Investment with Heterogeneous Firms

Volha Audzei, Jakub Mateju and Ivan Sutóris, all Česká národní banka

A Heterogeneous Agent Model of Energy Consumption and Energy Conservation 

Volha Audzei and Ivan Sutóris, Česká národní banka


Session 3: Input-Output models 

Chair: Emmanuel Dhyne, Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de Belgique


World Input-Output Matrix of Investment Goods 

Javier Quintana*, Banco de España


Estimating the loss of economic predictability from aggregating _rm-level production networks 

  • Christian Diem, Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • András Borsos, Magyar Nemzeti Bank and Central European University
  • Tobias Reisch, Medical University of Vienna
  • János Kertész, Central European University
  • Stefan Thurner, Medical University of Vienna

Coffee break


Session 4. Phillip’s Curves 

Chair: Birgit Niessner, Oesterreichische Nationalbank


Job Polarization, Labor Market Fluidity and the Flattening of the Phillips Curve 

Daniele Siena, Politecnico di Milano, and Riccardo Zago*, Banque de France


Not all supply curves slope up 

  • Edvin Ahlander, Sveriges Riksbank
  • Mathias Klein, Sveriges Riksbank
  • Evi Pappa, Carlos III University

Closing remarks

Emmanuel Dhyne, Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de Belgique

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