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Níl an t-ábhar seo ar fáil i nGaeilge.

ECB chooses participants for the revision phase of the “New ECB Premises” project

18 March 2004

The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) has decided to invite the following prizewinners of the international urban planning and architectural design competition for the new ECB premises to participate in the project’s revision phase:

  • Coop Himmelb(l)au, Vienna, Austria;
  • ASP Schweger Assoziierte, Berlin, Germany;
  • 54f architekten/T. R. Hamzah & Yeang, Darmstadt, Germany/Selangor, Malaysia.

The main purpose of the revision phase is to review the design proposals to take account of the recommendations and requirements of the jury, the ECB and the City of Frankfurt. This phase will therefore be conducted in close cooperation with the City of Frankfurt.

On 13 February 2004 an international jury chose the design proposals of these three architecture offices as winning designs in the new ECB premises competition (see the Press Release of 13 February 2004 entitled “International jury chooses the three prizewinning designs in the architectural competition for the ECB’s new premises”). The three architecture offices will present their revised design concepts to the ECB in September 2004. The Governing Council will then award the contract for planning the ECB’s new premises to one of the three prizewinning architecture offices, probably in September or October 2004.

Further details about the new ECB premises can be found on the ECB’s website.


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