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Níl an t-ábhar seo ar fáil i nGaeilge.

Update of the assessment of securities settlement systems

21 April 2005

The Governing Council of the European Central Bank has updated the assessment of securities settlement systems (SSSs) eligible for the settlement of collateral for Eurosystem credit operations. SSSs are periodically assessed against the “Standards for the use of EU securities settlement systems in ESCB credit operations” published by the European Monetary Institute in 1998.

Since 1 July 2003 only securities issued and held in an SSS located in the euro area have been eligible for Eurosystem credit operations. As a result, SSSs located outside the euro area do not handle Eurosystem collateral and are therefore no longer assessed by the Eurosystem. Accordingly, only 18 SSSs have been assessed in 2004, compared with 21 in 2003. The overall level of compliance with the standards is high, and the SSSs have maintained their efforts to enhance compliance further.

The eligible SSSs and their settlement procedures are set out in the table below, which replaces the list published in a press release on 26 April 2004.

Table: Settlement procedures in eligible SSSs

SSS (country) Procedures used for Eurosystem credit operations Other procedures not used by the Eurosystem
NBB SSS (Belgium) Free of payment (FOP) multiple-batch settlement. Delivery versus payment (DVP) multiple-batch settlement.
Euroclear Bank (Belgium) FOP real-time settlement. DVP real-time settlement in commercial and central bank money.
Clearstream Banking Frankfurt (Germany) FOP multiple-batch settlement (three batches a day). FOP real-time procedure. DVP real-time settlement.
Iberclear (CADE) (Spain) DVP real-time settlement.
Iberclear (SCLV) (Spain) Pre-deposit of securities. DVP several batch settlement.
SCL Barcelona (Spain) DVP real-time settlement. DVP single-batch settlement.
SCL Bilbao (Spain) Pre-deposit of securities. DVP single-batch settlement.
SCL Valencia (Spain) Pre-deposit of securities. DVP single-batch settlement.
Euroclear France DVP real-time settlement.
NTMA (Ireland) FOP real-time settlement.
Monte Titoli (Italy) FOP real-time settlement. DVP real-time settlement. Delivery versus Payment (DVP) multiple-batch settlement
Clearstream Banking Luxembourg FOP multiple-batch procedure (13 batches a day). DVP settlement in commercial bank money.
Euroclear Netherlands (Netherlands) FOP real-time settlement. DVP real-time settlement.
OeKB (Austria) FOP multiple-batch procedure (five batches a day). DVP multiple-batch settlement (four batches a day).
Siteme (Portugal) DVP real-time settlement. DVP real-time settlement
Interbolsa (Portugal) DVP real-time settlement (specifically for Eurosystem operations). Intra-day batch, overnight batch, RTGS (both DVP and FOP) and real-time securities transfers FOP.
APK-RM (Finland) FOP real-time settlement. DVP real-time settlement.
BOGS (Greece) DVP real-time settlement (specifically for Eurosystem operations). DVP single-batch settlement.

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