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Information kit “Price stability: why is it important for you?” now available

12 December 2005

Today, Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), has launched a new information kit entitled “Price stability: why is it important for you?” He handed over the first sets of this kit to pupils of the European School in Frankfurt am Main in Germany.

The kit has been developed by the ECB and the national central banks (NCBs) of the euro area, which together form the Eurosystem. Aimed at young teenagers and their teachers, it presents the monetary policy of the Eurosystem. A physical version of the kit has been produced in the languages of the euro area countries.

The kit consists of an 8-minute animated film, a set of leaflets for the pupils and a booklet with economic background information for the teachers. Starting today and in cooperation with the NCBs, the kit will be distributed to around 50,000 secondary schools in the euro area in their respective language(s). An electronic version can also be downloaded from the ECB’s website, where it will be made available in all official languages of the European Union.

Photos of this presentation can be downloaded from the ECB's website as of 5 p.m. CET today via the following link: Footage material can be downloaded from in the section "Other videos" as of 6.30 p.m. CET today.


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