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Níl an t-ábhar seo ar fáil i nGaeilge.

Results of the October 2007 bank lending survey for the euro area

5 October 2007
  1. The European Central Bank (ECB) is today publishing its report on the results of the October 2007 bank lending survey for the euro area. The bank lending survey has been developed by the Eurosystem in order to enhance the understanding of bank lending behaviour in the euro area.
  2. The survey is conducted four times a year, usually at the beginning of each quarter. The conduct of the October 2007 survey has, however, been advanced by around one month in order to provide additional information to monitor the ongoing developments in credit markets. The survey also included a set of ad-hoc questions which aims to gauge the extent to which the tensions in US sub-prime mortgage-related bonds and their spillover into structured credit markets in recent weeks have affected banks’ credit standards for loans and credit lines to enterprises and loans to households in the euro area. The cut-off date for the receipt of data from banks participating in this survey was 27 September 2007.

The report is available on the ECB’s website at in the “Statistics” section under “Money, banking and financial markets”/“Bank lending survey”.


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